New to FBC? We are so excited to have you!
What should I wear?
We genuinely want you to come as you are. If you prefer wearing shorts and a t-shirt, come wearing that! If you would rather wear a suit or fancy dress, come wearing that! You will see people dressed in all different ways. We will welcome you with open arms, however you are dressed.
What are you Sunday morning services like?
We want you to feel welcome on Sunday mornings. Our services consist of a blended worship style, usually hymns and praise choruses. God’s Word will be taught in an exciting and challenging way. Both services are identical to the other, so you can pick the one that is most convenient for you. The only thing that we ask from visitors during our service is to fill out an information card, so we can keep in touch.
To hear some of the most recent sermons visit our Sermons page.
Where do I go when I get there?
Once you park, come into the main entrance within the drive-through/drop-off area. If you need help getting into the building, just pull under the drive-through and an usher will assist you in parking your car. Once inside the building, you will be greeted by an usher or one of our pastors. These people can answer any questions or point you in the right direction. In the main lobby, there is also an information desk where you can meet a volunteer who will assist you with where things are located or information about our ministries.
What about my kids?
We want your entire family to get the most out of the FBC experience, so we have something for children of all ages from nursery age to teens in the student ministry. Check out our ministries page for the best fit for your family.
Meet our pastors

T. C. Shippy-Youth Pastor

Jacob Asher-Senior Pastor

Jim Cline-Worship Pastor